Sunday, June 19

I finally...

i was enjoying the wedding ceremony, surrounded by family members and friends. meeting up with old friends from the neighbourhood. for once, i don't feel the rush to head home... i was just chilling.

somehow, someone managed to ruin my moment of bliss. an old neighbour, came to say bye and without fail the same old question of soo when you getting married leaves her mouth. i just smile, but when she kept asking repeatedly like a broken record to my mom and me, i lost my cool. i finally ask her, don't you have any other question to ask besides when i get married. why is it any concern of yours?!!! i can hear the hardness in my voice cuz i was about to cuss her from her to enternity. its like falling on deaf ear. mom already answered her by jokingly said.. ohh you know whenever. yet, she kept asking and asking and i finally lost it!! she has the nerves to reply ohh i'm just feeling bad for your mom. oh gawd if my cousin have not hold my hand, i swear, it would have landed on her face. it doesn't help that i was pmsing and dealing with cramps... so yeah that bitch just asking for it.

what erks me was the fact some folks have no tact. you're an invited guest, have a little respect for the host and the family (which is me). if you have nothing to say besides the normal courtesy greeting than shut the fuck up and move along. its my personal life, my mom happiness is non of your fucking concern.

some folks may not understand why i'm sensitive about it, but when its the same person who ask the same question each single time you meet, yeah.. it struck my nerves.


Ed RockStar said...

Hail Mary in heaven...I feel you.

GiGi - The Shy Giraffe said...

lmao @ ed.

i tak pernah hilang my cool till that day... sigh.

Dee said...

an old cousin of mine would ask people "when are you going to die"? But that would have probably been too much for your neighbor.

GiGi - The Shy Giraffe said...

diedra... lmao!!

my aunt used to ask me, when are you doing to get married, do i have to wait till i walk with a cane or died. i replied her, whichever come for u first..

rest her soul..