Monday, October 11

hello stranger..

i realize i have been really uhhh lazy with my blog. one of my all time favourite excuse for such is... MY LAPTOP IS DOWN AND I CAN'T BLOG... fo shor!!
i tried to blog at work, since my desk is only 1 table away from my director, i have to be uhhh.. sneaky. it doesn't help that my current computer screen is 23 inch, felt like every tom, may lee and junie can sneak a peak... dam nosey poker.
i was lurking on blogworld, yes even when i don't post, i snoop around to see whats up with folks... yes i'm a nosey poker, when i come across one of my fav stopever here. i like the list challenge, even if i'm two weeks late in the process but i figure out why not? i think i can do this.. at least i'm going to try. not sure about posting pics though cuz i always end up looking either i'm gonna beat someone up or in total pain kinda look. as to when i'm getting around to doing the list...uhh... when i can sneak a moment...
until than, yall have a great week =:O)


Dee said...

lol@ the total pain
That's okay. Feel free to join in. I missed 3 days because of technical stuff but hey. . . it doesn't mean I failed

GiGi - The Shy Giraffe said...

for the life of me, each time i tried to smile to the camera, it turn out like i just had a tooth