Tuesday, January 20

New Prez In History

i rushed home hoping and praying my tv for once have pity on me and today of all day i needed to have visual as i wanted to watch obama being sworn in. no such luck!! i gave it a gentle knock, a shake and still it refuses to entertain me.


thank gawd my ol laptop is not failing me right now. i had to warm it up a little and finally it comes to live..yessssss... cnn online!!

as i'm typing this, i'm waiting excited to watch history in motion. feeling the obama fever sweeping through eventhough i'm no where near and staring at a dam screen, still it feels right. i'm so going to sleep late, trying to watch as much as i could and i know i'm going to be groggy in the morning, hope i wont oversleep.

there so much putting into this man. everyone, all over the world hoping for a change. only time will tell...

i'm feeling all sentimental...


Ed RockStar said...

did u see the first dance? when Beyonce sing 'At Last'? It was such an awkward but sweet moment, man.

GiGi - The Shy Giraffe said...

yeah, it gives such a nice warmth feeling.

sigh... i want that =:O)