Thursday, December 13

Ahhh... Gimme The Strength...

Its 12.40am......

I'm tired, but can't sleep, eyes still wide awake. Thank gawd the kids are asleep. Yap, I'm babysitting my cousin's kids. The 2 year old been driving me crazy with his singing.. if you can call it Poor kid can't form any word yet, but yet so happy without a care in the world.. sing his heart out, shaking his little booty, mimicking holding a mic. Whenever, he heard a tune, his face light up and start moving his hand and head side to Ever so often he will run up to me, pull his t-shirt up and show me his bulging tummy...guess that his cue for me to blow bubble on his

funny pictures
moar funny pictures

As for work...sigh.
It's been crazy!!! And it will go on till end of the year as we trying to meet deadline due to the coming holidays. Everyone stressing out, temper about to blowout, cussing under the breathe, plus addition stress as we have to hand in self-evaluation for the year end appraisal... argghhhhh. Deadline 14 Dec, I did mine but have yet to submit it. Finding and squeezing time in between while finishing task at hand, end up with couple of us working late for the past couple of days. I'm beat!!!

On the good news..
I lost 6kg!! Wooo Hooo!!!! Well I thought my eyes was playing trick on me. Remember when I thought all the while I was 75kg, when I realized the weighing machine at home done turn faulty!! Well, I weight myself like almost 3 weeks ago and it stated 85kg... gaspeth!! Last Saturday after a spa treat from my cousin, I can't help myself when I saw the weighing machine. Vanity takes place and WALLAAA!!! 79kg. Of course I was sceptical, not trusting my own eye. So I took Kak Ros aside and make her as my witness, as I weigh once again at work. And I'm still weighing 79kg... woo hooo!!

But, why the hell do I still look fat???!!!!

Sigh, typical of a woman ....


Dee said...

you are looking fat because your mirror has gone faulty now.
put a sheet over it and you will feel like your true weight.

GiGi - The Shy Giraffe said...

lmao!! thanks GC for making me feel waaayyyy much better...hee hee


Pearl Gray said...

you are looking fat because your mirror has gone faulty now. put a sheet over it and you will feel like your true weight.