Wednesday, July 20

The Queen is back with a bump...

i had a scare.

mom came back from visiting grandad only to be told that she fell and hit her head hard. the initial bump was huge (according to my aunts), but subsides a little couple of days later. however, when she came back yesterday, the bump has is still there. its been 4 days since that incident.

i took her to see the doctor in the morning. it took us almost 2.5hrs of waiting time (since we went to general public instead of private) for a less than 15min consultation. we than proceed to the hospital for further check up. i decides mom should have xtray and brain scan to eliminate any worries like internal bleeding or hairline fracture.

while waiting for all this to go through, all i could think about was her health. it was a blessing when the results show that mom is well. guess her skull is in good doctor said, the bump will remain till about 2 weeks or so as it wont subside that quickly. mom need to do a follow up in 2 days time. if she has any symtom of throwing up, visual impairment, headache, etc she needs to check-in asap. i'm praying that won't happens.

i'm just counting my blessing and grateful to God, for i was full of worries but trying hard not to show mom. but i know she was scared cuz she refuse to have lunch till everything is over with. i know mom.. she loves food too much to pass it.

i'm glad she's home =:O)


Dee said...

whoa! That is pretty scary. I'm glad you followed up with x-ray and scan. One never knows. It's better to find out these things ASAP rather than years later.

GiGi - The Shy Giraffe said...

the funny thing is, my mom had to bump her head to notice that i colored my hair. she didn't noticed it 3 mths ago.

can't help but to laugh at that..hee2.