Wednesday, July 13

Keep Walking...

tonight i decide to brisk walk alone. usually i have my *walking* buddy with me but i just don't feel like having company and making polite conversation.

however, the sudden urge to brisk walk could also due to my burger king lunch and the fact i'm participating in a 5km shape run next sunday. i needed to prep as i don't wish to get too comfy on the day itself and not able to cope.

it was a good walk as i add an extra 1km to the usual route. i was perspiring even before i hit the pavement. now, i'm feeling kinda achy, hopefully it won't affect my flow tomorrow. as a treat, i had pan fried salmon and crush ice, top with red peanuts and syrups as desert. yes, it defeats the purpose having that desert, but i needed MOTIVATION... lol.

mom is out of town for about 5 days, and i'm already missing her. i hope she have a great time meeting up with my grandad. i'm kinda piss as i can't go since everything was plan at last minutes. i'm sure i be hearing lots of story when she returns.

now, i have to think of what for dinner tomorrow =:O(

1 comment:

Dee said...

Yes! Keep walking.