Saturday, May 8


i hated the month of may. not because it reminds me i'm turning a year older (goodness how time flies). simply because of mother's day.

as the impending weekend of the commercialized mother's day approaching, all form of media reminds you of where you came from, deep inside of me, i feel sadness and emptiness.

i become restless, envious, jealousy slowly creeping up, as i look around me surrounded by women and their children. it remind me of what i never will be. A MOTHER.

there are times i have to look away from the lovely face of a baby sitting next to me in the bus, praying that the lil one goes to sleep, so he/she don't have the urge to make cute little noises, or their fat little fingers trying to reach out to me, wanting to touch out of curiosity. i had to look away, because it's causing a lump in my throat and my eyes start to waters. so i shut my eyes and pretends to sleep.

i get mad and upset when i read the papers, how the unwanted babies were left next to the garbage bin or even killed. precious life being treated like a rag doll.

as for me and mom we have a complicated relationship, between liking and not liking each other that however, i'm sure i'm not alone in this.

to all the mothers out there and the future mothers..... have a great mother's day.

1 comment:

Dee said...

To be honest I don't know exactly how you feel but I think your feeling is legitimate and reasonable.