Sunday, January 4

Do Not 4ward ....

its only the 4th day in a new year and already someone testing my patience. have you ever wonder why someone bothers to retain your mobile phone but hardly calling or even texting, but out of the blue find the time to forward you *smses* not so much with a hello???!!!

for the past 2 days, i been receiving such text messages in regards to the plight of the middle east conflict asking for prayers for safety and such. which is fine by me, as i don't have to wait for such text messages to offer my prayer. what erks me about this particular sms from an ex colleague was first of all, she don't keep in touch with me, not even through sms unless when i send her one. out of the blue, she FORWARD me text that have been going around and at the end of that text indicated ITS MY DUTY TO FORWARD IT TO 10 OTHERS. i'm like what the eff!!!

this don't sit well with me, so i replied and said, thanks for the good intention, but please don't forward me chain sms. well what do you know, she replied back and said, its not chain sms as nothing bad will happen to you. i answered, NOTED, but if i wish to forward any sms it will be of my choice and not one where I'm told I have too. hmmm.. maybe she not liking me right now....

i hope she deleted my digit from her mobile...


Ridwan said...

Happy New Year to you my sista Gigi. Just looking in to stay in touch.

You be well and keep writing.


GiGi - The Shy Giraffe said...

ahhh ridwan, i miss reading your blog. i hope you been taking good care of your health and such.

thank you for stopping by =:O)

Dee said...

with any luck she will leave u alone now
